Gifty API.
Welcome to the Gifty API documentation. This documentation provides you with all the necessary information to communicate with our API. If you want to use our API you must register your application via the Gifty dashboard.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. You can contact us via our contact page.
The following section describes generic usage information on the Gifty API.
Send the provided token as a header with your requests. You can create an API token on the developer's page in your dashboard.
Error Handling
If there are validation issues or other unexpected events, an error will be thrown in the format shown below. Along with the request, a corresponding HTTP header is sent.
Code | Meaning |
2XX | Successful request |
4XX | The request is invalid. For example, because the requested resource does not exist. These errors are expected and should be gracefully processed. |
5XX | Ouch. Most likely, something went wrong on our end. We received a notification, but please get in touch with us with additional information about the issue. |
"message": "The transaction tr_kOWB2x0QVvE8GYn6GX7p1oL9 has been captured or released already.",
"errors": [
"id": "9fb1f6880a844a72b7fbd9bb5ee10d87",
"status": "422",
"type": "giftcard_transaction_error",
"title": "Giftcard transaction error",
"detail": "The transaction tr_kOWB2x0QVvE8GYn6GX7p1oL9 has been captured or released already."
The API's validation error messages are available in both English and Dutch. The default language used is English. If you want Dutch validation errors, send the header below with your request.
Accept-Language: nl
Rate Limiting
The API is limited to 120 requests per minute. If you exceed this limit, access to the API will be temporarily disabled. Please get in touch with us if you think this limit does not meet your requirements.
For all responses that can return multiple objects, cursor pagination is available. You can send
the cursor_before
parameter to navigate
through the pages on these requests. Use the limit
parameter to set the number
of results per page. You can use the ID of objects as the cursor.
If you need to become more familiar with cursor pagination, it might confuse you first. Cursor pagination is more efficient and predictable than offset pagination. Let's take a look at the example below. We paginate through the list of four locations, show two results per page and do not pass a cursor. So we see the two most recent results.
Now we want to navigate to the following result set to see location 2 and
location 1. We pass the last known cursor
to parameter
While processing transactions on a gift card, you should provide the currency code of the gift card in the ISO 4217 format. The currencies listed in the table below are supported.
Code | Currency |
EUR | Euro |
Gift Cards
In most use cases, gift cards are the most important objects using the Gifty API. Gift cards represent a monetary value. You activate the card and add a balance by issuing a gift card (credit). Later, redeeming a gift card reduces the balance (debit).
The Gift Card object
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Unique identifier for the card. |
balance | integer | The current balance of the card, in cents. A negative balance is not possible. |
currency | string | ISO 4217 code of the currency. All transactions on this card are required to be made in the same currency. |
promotional | boolean | True if the card is marked as promotional. |
is_redeemable | boolean | Indicates if a new redeem transaction can be made on the card. This attribute is false if there is no balance left or if the card is expired. |
is_issuable | boolean | Indicates if a new issue transaction can be made on the card. This attribute is false if there are transactions made on this card already. |
is_extendable | boolean | Indicates if an expired gift card can be re-activated. This attribute is false if the gift card has not expired or if re-activation is not allowed. |
expires_at | string or null | ISO 8601 time of expiration or null if the gift card won't expire. |
created_at | string | ISO 8601 time of creation. |
package | string or null | The corresponding package ID. |
transactions | All corresponding transactions made on the card. | |
images | URLs to images that visualize the card. |
GET Retrieve Gift Card
The Gift Card object can be retrieved by providing the gift card code.
"data": {
"id": "gc_e7V83D5N6An7OgnPJgKlqoyz",
"balance": 4000,
"currency": "EUR",
"promotional": false,
"is_redeemable": true,
"is_issuable": false,
"is_extendable": false,
"expires_at": "2027-09-15T12:42:42+00:00",
"created_at": "2022-09-15T12:41:31+00:00",
"transactions": [ ...TransactionObject ],
"images": [
"type": "FRONT_SMALL",
"url": ""
- giftcard
- string
- required
POST Redeem Gift Card
To debit a gift card, a redeem transaction should be made. The 'Transaction' object is returned after a successful transaction.
"data": {
"id": "tr_kOWB2x0QVvE8GYn6GX7p1oL9",
"amount": -1250,
"currency": "EUR",
"status": "pending",
"type": "redeem",
"description": "Redeem amount of '€ 12,50'",
"is_capturable": true,
"captured_at": null,
"created_at": "2019-01-06T19:10:49+00:00",
"giftcard": ...GiftCardObject
- giftcard
- string
- required
- amount
- int
- required
- currency
- string
- required
- capture
- boolean
- required
POST Issue Gift Card
To credit a gift card, an issue transaction should be made. Issuing a gift card is only possible once, and issue transactions are always captured immediately. The 'Transaction' object is returned after a successful transaction.
"data": {
"id": "tr_K5Op3zGP4dePxMmyVa9gkXL8",
"amount": 1250,
"currency": "EUR",
"status": "success",
"type": "issue",
"description": "Issue amount of '€ 12,50'",
"is_capturable": false,
"captured_at": "2019-01-08T11:43:44+00:00",
"created_at": "2019-01-08T11:43:44+00:00",
"giftcard": ...GiftCardObject
- giftcard
- string
- required
- amount
- int
- required
- currency
- string
- required
- promotional
- boolean
- optional
POST Extend Gift Card
To extend the validity of a gift card after it has expired, an extend transaction should be made. The 'Transaction' object is returned after a successful transaction.
"data": {
"id": "tr_kOWB2x0QVvE8GYn6GX7p1oL9",
"amount": -1250,
"currency": "EUR",
"status": "success",
"type": "reverse_expire",
"description": "Reverse expire with amount of '€ 12,50'",
"is_capturable": true,
"captured_at": "2023-02-23T14:16:32+00:00",
"created_at": "2023-02-23T14:16:32+00:00",
"giftcard": ...GiftCardObject
- giftcard
- string
- required
- expires_at
- string
- required
By issuing a gift card (credit) or redeeming a gift card (debit), a Transaction object represents the change.
The Transaction object
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Unique identifier for the transaction. |
amount | integer | The amount that has been applied on the gift card during this transaction. Negative values (-1000) indicate a debit transaction. Positive values (1000) indicate a credit transaction. |
currency | string | ISO 4217 code of the currency. Should always be the same as the corresponding gift card. |
status | string | The status of the transaction. Can be one of: success, pending or cancelled. |
type | string | Indicates the reason for the transaction. Can be one of: issue, redeem, release, refund, block, expire, reverse_issue, reverse_redeem or reverse_expire. |
description | string | Provides more information about the transaction. |
is_capturable | boolean | Indicates if a capture can be made on the transaction. This attribute is false if the transaction is captured or cancelled already. |
captured_at | string or null | ISO 8601 time of capturing. As long as this value is null the transaction can be cancelled. |
created_at | string | ISO 8601 time of creation. |
giftcard | The corresponding gift card of the transaction. |
GET List All Transactions
This call returns all Transaction objects. The most recent transactions are shown first.
"data": [
"id": "tr_W2pJPRYZO0njkQvMrN4zwKqy",
"amount": 4000,
"currency": "EUR",
"status": "success",
"type": "issue",
"description": "Issue amount of '€ 40,00'",
"is_capturable": false,
"captured_at": "2021-11-10T23:32:12+00:00",
"created_at": "2021-11-10T23:32:12+00:00",
"giftcard": ...GiftCardObject
- giftcard
- string
- optional
- limit
- integer
- optional
- cursor_before
- string
- optional
GET Retrieve Transaction
The Transaction object can be retrieved by providing the transaction identifier.
"data": {
"id": "tr_ABCDEFGHIJK",
"amount": 4000,
"currency": "EUR",
"status": "success",
"type": "issue",
"description": "Issue amount of '€ 40,00'",
"is_capturable": false,
"captured_at": "2018-11-03T12:41:41+00:00",
"created_at": "2018-11-03T12:41:41+00:00",
"giftcard": ...GiftCardObject
- transaction
- string
- required
POST Capture Transaction
After the entire payment process has been completed and verified, the gift card transaction should be 'captured'. That makes the transaction final.
"data": {
"id": "tr_ABCDEFGHIJK",
"amount": -1250,
"currency": "EUR",
"status": "success",
"type": "redeem",
"description": "Redeem amount of '€ 12,50'",
"is_capturable": false,
"captured_at": "2019-01-06T19:41:31+00:00",
"created_at": "2019-01-06T19:10:49+00:00",
"giftcard": ...GiftCardObject
- transaction
- string
- required
DELETE Release Transaction
If the payment process ends unsuccessfully, for example, because the customer cancelled the payment, the transaction should be 'released'. The transaction is reverted and funds restored. The return is a 'release' transaction.
"data": {
"id": "tr_ABCDEFGHIJK",
"amount": 1250,
"currency": "EUR",
"status": "success",
"type": "release",
"description": "Release amount of '€ 12,50' for cancellation of 'tr_ABCDEFGHIJK'",
"is_capturable": false,
"captured_at": "2019-01-06T19:49:05+00:00",
"created_at": "2019-01-06T19:49:05+00:00",
"giftcard": ...GiftCardObject
- transaction
- string
- required
Companies with multiple store locations can specify the employee's location when performing gift card actions. By doing this, preciser administration views are available in the dashboard. Set the location of the user by passing the ID with your API requests as header.
The Location object
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Unique identifier for the transaction. |
street | string | Address street. |
house_number | string | Address house number. |
addition | string or null | Address house number addition. |
postal_code | string | Address postal code. |
city | string | Address city. |
GET List All Locations
This call returns all Location objects.
"data": [
"id": "lc_RVyje31w8pmKwwmqlZW096M7",
"street": "Floridalaan",
"house_number": "8 bis",
"addition": null,
"postal_code": "3404WV",
"city": "IJsselstein"
- limit
- integer
- optional
- cursor_before
- string
- optional
It is possible to sell gift cards with a package value instead of a monetary amount. Each package still represents a monetary value, but it is up to the gift card brand to show this to the customer. Using this API endpoint, you can get the available packages to integrate with your booking platform or webshop.
The Package object
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | Unique identifier for the package. |
title | string | Title of the package. |
description | string | Description of the package. |
amount | integer | The amount this package represents in cents. |
amount_visible | boolean | Indicates if the amount is displayed on the gift card. |
currency | string | ISO 4217 code of the currency. |
active | boolean | Indicates if the package is available for purchase. |
GET List All Packages
This call returns all Package objects.
"data": [
"id": "gp_rB4kAgGwOzdaQ5dMxN09q62y",
"title": "Tapasmenu voor 2",
"description": "Geef een heerlijk verzorgde avond cadeau met ons tapasmenu voor 2.",
"amount": 4250,
"amount_visible": true,
"currency": "EUR",
"active": true
- limit
- integer
- optional
- cursor_before
- string
- optional
GET Retrieve Package
The Package object can be retrieved by providing the package ID.
"data": {
"id": "gp_rB4kAgGwOzdaQ5dMxN09q62y",
"title": "Tapasmenu voor 2",
"description": "Geef een heerlijk verzorgde avond cadeau met ons tapasmenu voor 2.",
"amount": 4250,
"amount_visible": true,
"currency": "EUR",
"active": true
- package
- string
- required